Types Of Seven Card Tarot Spreads

In this article I’ll talk you through what seven card tarot spreads are, and we’ll look at a sample reading together.

There are so many tarot cards spreads to learn, and so many tarot readers also create spreads that mean something to them. They may share their tarot spreads with other readers, but some do not.

However, if you want to learn various spreads and have already learned three, four, five, and six tarot card spreads, why not challenge yourself to learn some seven-card tarot spreads? A seven-card spread will help you gain clarity and information on what spreads with fewer cards can give you. Let’s go over a few standard seven tarot card applies so you can add them to your collection.

What Are Some Seven Card Tarot Spreads?

Like the other spreads with fewer cards, you will have seven-card tarot spreads for so many life situations involving relationships, self-reflection, and anything else you can think of that is causing you some stress and the need for additional insight. The most common seven-card tarot spread is the horseshoe spread which appears as an inverted “V.”

There is also a past, present, and future seven-card tarot spread, and let’s look at that one first.

Past, Present, And Future 7 Tarot Card Spread

How many versions of the past, present, and future tarot spread are there? That is because you already know about the traditional three-card spread, and there is a five and six-card spread for that too. And yes, there is a seven-card tarot spread for the past, present, and future. You can create a horseshoe or an inverted “V” for this spread for this reading too.

Card one through card seven will go from left to right. Card one represents the past, card two is to the right and slightly above card one, which means the present, and card three is somewhat to the right and slightly above two and represents the future.
Card four, above and to the right of card three, is on the top of the spread, meaning internal influences.

Card five is to the right of card four and slightly below it, representing external influences (it is on the same line as card three). Card six is right and below card five and is on the same line as card three, representing obstacles. Finally, card seven is right and below card six and at the same line as card one, meaning the outcome.

However, even though the shape of these cards is a horseshoe, it is not the horseshoe spread. Let’s go over that one next.

The Seven-Card Horseshoe Spread

The seven-card horseshoe spread is a common spread that many tarot readers use when they have to make difficult decisions, or the querent does, and they read for them. If you are facing a dilemma and are unsure what the best course of action to take is, this is the spread for you.

The design of the spread is the same as the past, present, and future ones, or you can create a V-shaped one instead of the inverted V-shaped spread. Instead of card four being at the top, it would be at the bottom of the spread if you use it as the V-shaped design.

Let’s go over what the cards in this spread represent. Card one represents past influences, whereas card two represents the issues you face in the present.
Card three represents any developments that can happen in the future, and card four represents the advice to give.
Card five represents how those around you can affect your decision, and card six represents any obstacles that can get in the way of making the decision.

Finally, card seven shows the best course of action taken for a resolution to the dilemma. There is one more seven-card tarot spread to go over.

Relationship Insight Seven Card Tarot Spread

If you want to look into some profound insights about a relationship you are in or about to enter, here is a seven-card tarot spread shaped like the horseshoe, as you can create a V-shaped spread, inverted or not. Let’s get into it.

Card one represents your current relationship situation. As shown in card two, there is an important influence from the past that might influence the future, i.e., the root card.
Card three represents what issues are interfering with the relationship, and card four indicates what influences can increase the relationship’s success.
Card five represents any hidden issues regarding the relationship, and card six means how you can help improve the relationship. Finally, card seven indicates the outcome of the relationship.

Now that you know of the seven-card relationship spread let’s now get onto a sample reading for a querent.

Sample Horseshoe 7 Card Tarot Reading

Let’s do a sample horseshoe reading for a querent who has a family and has a lot of family in the city. Still, they received a fantastic job opportunity across the country, which means the querent would have to relocate their family there and leave their extended family behind. It is difficult because the querent is not far off from losing their job and has been miserable there too.

That is a dream come true for the querent, but others are involved in this decision. Therefore, the querent wants to know what will happen if they take the job and the consequences they will face from their family. Here is the spread:

Seven Card Tarot Spread

1. Card one, past influences, the Queen of Swords.

2. Card two is the issues the querent faces in the present, Ace of Pentacles.

3. Card three represents any developments that can happen in the future, which is the Star.

4. Card four represents any advice to give: the Tower.

5. Card five represents how those around the querent will affect their decision: the Ten of Cups reversed.

6. Card six represents the obstacles that can get in the way that will affect the querent’s decision, the Chariot.

7. Card seven represents the best action to resolve the dilemma, the Eight of Pentacles.

This is a loaded situation. The querent got an opportunity for a dream job across the country and must also make many sacrifices. That would also mean their spouse would have to look for another job, and their kids will need to go to another school. The querent will also be away from their parents and extended family members.

That is a difficult decision. Now, let’s look at this spread more carefully and see what decision is best for the querent to take the opportunity or to reject it and stay in the city, so they don’t uproot themselves and their family.

The first card represents past influences, and the Queen of Swords emerges. That is a sign that the querent has had to learn to set boundaries and speak their truth, which can only help anyone get ahead. Perhaps the querent used to be a people-pleaser and allowed others to walk on them, which is why this situation may be scary for them.

The current issues are represented by card two, and the Ace of Pentacles is the one that is self-explanatory as the whole point is around the job opportunity. Then, card three indicates any future developments, which is the Star, which can indicate hope for support around this situation.

However, card four which represents the advice to give is the Tower, which says to expect unexpected reactions from family initially, as it may crush them and make the querent feel guilty about doing this. Card five backs it up as it represents obstacles in the way of the querent’s decision, as it is the Ten of Cups reversed.

The family is not happy and not supportive. That will add stress to the querent and confirm their fear of not receiving the support they need from their family. It is almost as if they will turn their backs on them. Then, card six is the Chariot as that is the card that represents determination which can mean the obstacles the querent can face.

That suggests that the querent’s family will be determined to do what they can to sabotage them, but the querent has to be equally determined not to let them succeed.

Finally, card seven represents the best action to take to find a resolution and the Eight of Pentacles comes up. Again, there is a lot of work on the querent’s end to stay strong and not allow their family’s sabotaging behavior to get to the best of them. They must master that to ignore them, which will help the querent’s growth and evolution.

Therefore, based on the spread, it is in the querent’s best interest to go for this opportunity. However, their family and those around them are not going to be supportive and initially may find ways to sabotage them and make them feel guilty about leaving. Therefore, it is in the querent’s best interest to stay strong and not cave into them, which will take mastery. That is especially if they did have issues with people-pleasing and not setting boundaries in the past, as they had to work to develop them.

Besides, if the querent does not take this opportunity, they will resent their family for getting in the way, and be angry with themselves for allowing them to do that. Therefore, any tough decision you must make will give you an excellent reason to use this seven-card horseshoe spread. That is one of the most insightful spreads, and tarot, in general, is perfect for helping you gain the insight you need.

You may also enjoy our learning tarot guide, our history of tarot page, and some common tarot myths debunked.